Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This is so cute!

I saw this online and thought it so cute to add to a wedible package for the attendants or perhaps the OOT guest boxes. I mean who wouldn't want their photo image on a delicious oreo?

Yes, it's blatantly kitschy which is what I love about it! I'll have to wait for feedback on future brides to get their take on it. But c''s an OREO!!!! ....with your photo on it! Yum and awww, cute!


Anonymous said...

This picture doesn't have a link to the site. It is for people that are having trouble finding it.

Anonymous said...

(I tried to email this message to but it would not go through, so I am hoping that you moderate your comments before they go live - Please contact me)


My name is Ken Bonine, I am the owner of Chocolate Dreams and Wishes and I have noticed that I have been getting people from your site visiting my site. I think that is wonderful, thank you for putting my edible photo oreo on your site. I was wondering if you would like to show any of my other products. Our edible chocolate menus have been getting a lot of action lately and our edible chocolate place cards are also very unique and a big hit. So, if you feel like helping a small family business, I sure would appreciate your help by spreading the word. In fact, if you want to do a write up, I will extend a 5% discount to any of your brides that mention your blog to me when they order.

Well, thanks again,

Ken Bonnie
Chocolate Dreams and Wishes